Wyrd On the Street

wyrd on the street as it's heard directly from our resident "girl in the know", Lucy.



Hello Book of MOJO Fans!

Wyrd on the Street is Team MOJO is coming back for more! That's right. One campaign down. Round two to go! These next two weeks we'll be working behind the scenes to gear up for our IndieGOGO campaign sequel which will launch May 25th. Mark your calendars. In the meantime, Everett, Book of MOJO's illustrious & Industrious creator has another video update for ya with notes on the MOJO's next steps and future plans. 

In a nutshell, crowdfunding can be both challenging and ironically slightly euphoric at times. We've certainly learned a lot from the last campaign but also gained many new friends along the way. Though we're working our fingers to the bone or rather our Wacom pens down to nubs, Team MOJO wants to hear about what other artists & creators are doing out in the world? Let us know what's going on in your neck of the woods. We like to holla.  And hey, made any MOJO fan art? Yeah? Send us some! We'll totally post it in our gallery and give you a shout out too.  Don't forget to connect or contact us via your favorite social media hub. There's too much to geek out about out there! Share! (^_^)! heh! 

Anyhoo, as we like to say - You stay tuned. We'll keep you posted. Ciao for now! 

~ Team MOJO... GO!