Wyrd On the Street

wyrd on the street as it's heard directly from our resident "girl in the know", Lucy.



“Hey everyone! We're in the homestretch. Our campaign ends this Friday and we're looking to really dig deep to meet our goal. You might assume from the silence that we've been idle, but let me tell you, that is FAR from the case! We've been hard at work putting this pilot together and we're excited about what we're cooking up for you guys. So as come to the end of this campaign we wanted to let you guys in on a few of our updates.” - Everett Downing


We'd like to apologize for the glitch in our scheduled Hangout this past Sunday. We had service issues that prevented us from broadcasting. That said, we'd like to give it another shot and this time we're going BIG! You guys have heard plenty from me, and I thought it would be fun to open it  to the whole team! This Thursday, April 30th at 7:00 pm (PST) join me and a few of the talented team members for a fun Q&A session! Mike Yates (story), Maria Yi (vis dev), Morgan Johnson (music), Aaron McGriff (animator), and MontaQue Ruffin (animator) will be among those there ready and waiting to answer all your burning questions. Definitely come and check it out, it's going to be great!

Finally, I thought it would be fun to share another clip from the pilot with you guys. Again, it's WIP, and getting better all the time. Check out what happens when the Demonlords decide to pick on our favorite runaway witch!


Support the campaign igg.me/at/bookofmojo

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